Monday, April 15, 2013

How to install Raspbian and Autostart XBMC in Raspeberry Pi

Some weeks before, I bought a Raspberry Pi to make it, a media center with XBMC. As a Fedoda Fan the first OS which i try to install was ARM Fedora Edition. It was easy to install it, but XBMC did not supported. The second OS which i tried to install was OpenELEC. OpenELEC was what I wanted, because XBMC stareted in boot and I could manage the OS through ssh, but there was a problem with official XBMC addons, which I couldn't install them neither from XMBC repository, nor from zip files.

Finally, I tried to install Raspbian and install XBMC in Rapsbian, and it was a successful try.

This is what I did to Install and set Rapsbian and XBMC.

First you have to download the latest version of Raspbian from here.

Second you need a n SD card (mine is 8GB) formated with a single FAT32 (MS-DOS or Windows formatted) partition.

Copy the installer files from this zip file onto the top level directory.

On a Raspberry Pi with an attached monitor and keyboard boot with the SD card to start the installer software. The partition and files on this card will be overwritten during the installation process.

Now you can configure your Rasbian before instillation start. Change the password of "pi" user if you want (default password is raspberry), enable ssh server or whatever you want to set. It is very important to expand the FS to whole SD card. Press finish, reboot and Rasbian is now installed to your Raspberry Pi.

Now use sudo apt-get update  to update repositories.

Now you have to update the firmware of Rapsberry. This is very easy. if you follow this guide.

Now you have to install XBMC. To install it follow the instructions below:

Open /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list :

sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list

and put this line in the end:

deb wheezy contrib

and import the archive signing key:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key 5243CDED

Then update the package lists:

sudo apt-get update

You can then install it as you would with any other package, for example, with apt-get:

sudo apt-get install xbmc

The user which you're going to run XBMC as needs to be a member of the following groups:

audio video input dialout plugdev 

If the input group doesn't exist, you need to create it:

addgroup --system input

and setup some udev rules to grant it ownership of input devices (otherwise the keyboard won't work in XBMC), by placing the following in /etc/udev/rules.d/99-input.rules:

SUBSYSTEM=="input", GROUP="input", MODE="0660"


To run XBMC, run:


from a VT (i.e. not under X). XBMC accesses the display directly and not via Xorg.

If you want XBMC to automatically start when the system boots, edit /etc/default/xbmc and change ENABLED to 1:


You also need to set the user which XBMC should run as (the xbmc user is not automatically created at the moment). Run:

sudo service xbmc start 

to test this.