Monday, September 29, 2014

How to mount and unmount Samsung Galaxy Devices on Fedora 20

First of all you will need some packages. You can install using yum:

sudo yum install gcc-c++ fuse-devel libmtp libmtp-devel glib-devel glib2-devel file-devel

then download jmtps library

git clone

and build it:

cd jmpts/
sudo make install

Now make edit the /etc/fuse.conf to allow other mount the device:
Change the line:

# user_allow_other



Then make a directory to mount the device:

mkdir -p ~/My_Device

Now you can mount your device using the following command:

jmtpfs -o allow_other ~/My_Device

Now you can copy files from your PC to your device or backwards

When you finished, you have to unmount thee device using the command:

fusermount -u ~/My_Device

You can make two scripts with the command above.

echo -e "#/bin/bash\n# Author: Nikos Papakonstantinou <>\nmkdir -p ~/My_Device\njmtpfs -o allow_other ~/My_Device" > imount | chmod +x imount


echo -e "#/bin/bash\n# Author: Nikos Papakonstantinou <>\nfusermount -u ~/My_Device" > iumount | chmod +x iumount


Saturday, September 6, 2014

How to install Viber on Fedora 20

Viber is a proprietary cross-platform instant messaging voice-over-Internet Protocol software for smartphones developed by Viber Media. In addition to text messaging, users can exchange images, video and audio media messages. The client software is available for Mac OS, Android, BlackBerry OS, iOS, Series 40, Symbian, Bada, Windows Phone, and Microsoft Windows. A Linux version is available for Ubuntu 64-bit. Viber works on both 3G/4G and Wi-Fi networks. Viber has over 100 million monthly active users from its 280 million global registered users.
But there is not Linux version for Fedora 64-bit and thus I will tell you how to install Viber on Fedora 20.

First, download Linux version of Viber from here or by executing the command:


Next execute the command:

ar p viber.deb viber.tar.gz | tar zx

Now there are two folders (usr and opt). Create a new folder by executing the command:

mkdir Viber

and move these two folders into the new folder by executing the commands:

mv usr/ Viber/
mv usr/ Viber/

Now move this folder to /opt:

sudo mv Viber/ /opt

and create a symboling link to executable file:

sudo ln -s /opt/Viber/opt/viber/Viber /usr/bin/Viber

and try Viber.

Viber &
